Java Fundamentals


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Java Fundamentals
Core Java
Introduction to Java Technology, it is best place to start for a beginner. You can learn OOPs, threads, Collections, Garbage Collection etc.,Read more>>
An introduction to Java class loades, how to create custom class loader, how to reload class etc.,Read more>>
Date and time programs
Date and time programsRead more>>
Design Patterns
A software design pattern is a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a given context in software design. I documented mostly used design patterns here.Read more>>
Image related Programs
Image related programs in JavaRead more>>
File programs in Java
File programs in JavaRead more>>
Interview Questions
You can get some interesting interview questions on core java here.Read more>>
Java8 come up with streams and some other enhancements like lambda expressions, Joda time API kind of time apis etc.,Read more>>
Java9 comes with many intresting feartures like private methods in interfaces, JShell, Modularity etc.,Read more>>
Java10 features are covered here.Read more>>
Java11 features are covered here.Read more>>
Java12 features are covered here.Read more>>
Java13 features are covered here.Read more>>
Java14 features are covered here.Read more>>
java.awt programsRead more>>
You will learn about java polcicy files (How to create, update and use policy files) and JAAS (JAAS stands for Java Authentication and Authorization Services, it is part of Java security frame work).Read more>>
JAXB stands for Java Architecture for XML Binding. It provides convenient and efficient way to bind Java object to XML and XML to Java Object. Technically this process is called Marshalling and Unmarshalling.Read more>>
JMX stands for Java Managing Extensions, it provides a way to monitor and manage remote java applications. Using JMX, you can expose your application attributes, components to management tools like jconsole.Read more>>
Logging is the process of writing log messages during the execution of a program. Logging place a vital role while debugging an Application. Logging using java.util.logging package is explained here.Read more>>
You can get intresting topics here.Read more>>
You will learn about package, sockets, Client-Server application etc.,Read more>>
NIO and NIO2
Java NIO stands for Non-Blocking Input-output, it is enhanced version of IO package, by using this library you can develop high-performance IO applications.Read more>>
DOM Parser
A Parser is a program, that is used to validate and extract the useful information from given document. DOM parser creates a tree structure in memory from the input xml document and then waits for requests from client.Read more>>
SAX Parser
A Parser is a program, that is used to validate and extract the useful information from given document. SAX stands for Simple API for XML. SAX parsers operate on each piece of the XML document sequentially, whereas DOM parsers operates on the document as a whole.Read more>>
Programming Questions
You can get programming interview questions here.Read more>>
Reflections provides the facility to examine or modify the runtime behavior of applications running in the Java virtual machine. By using reflections you can inspect interfaces, classes, fields and methods at run time.Read more>>
Regular Expressions
Regular expressions are powerful tool for text processing. A regular expression is a sequence of characters that forms a search pattern, mainly used for pattern matching in strings. Regular Expressions are used to search, edit, or manipulate text and data.Read more>>
Tools to Analyze Applications
Tools to debug and analyze Java Applications are covered here.Read more>>
String programs
String programsRead more>>
Big Data
Hadoop TutorialRead more>>
Sqoop TutorialRead more>>
Build Tools
Maven tutorial
Maven TutorialRead more>>
Database Related
JDBC stands for Java Database Connectivity, and is a platform independent interface between databases and Java. The JDBC API consists of a set of interfaces and classes written in the Java programming language.Read more>>
Java API for ArangoDB
In this tutorial series, I am going to explain how to talk to ArangoDB using Java driver.Read more>>
Hibernate is a ORM tool, implements Java Persistent API (JPI). it is used to persist data into data layer (Database).Read more>>
Elasticsearch Java API
Elastic search provides java api, to perform index, create, update, search, delete operations. All Elasticsearch operations are executed using a Client object and asynchronous in nature.Read more>>
Java API for MongoDB
JAVA Client to perform CRUD operations in MongoDBRead more>>
HSQLDB stands for HyperSQL Database, it is in memory database, used to develop your applications very quickly.Read more>>
Apache Derby
Apache Derby is open source RDBMS (Relational database management system) completely written in Java and maintained by Apache.Read more>>
Data Governance
Apache Atlas tutorial
Apache Atlas is an open governance and metadata framework.Read more>>
Eclipse IDE examples
Basic examples of Eclipse IDERead more>>
A Servlet is simply a java class which responds to a particular type of network request - most commonly an HTTP request. Servlets were designed to solve the problems faced in CGI.Read more>>
JSP stands for Java Server Pages, is a J2EE technology that helps developers to develop dynamic web pages. JSP is built on top of servlets. Just like standard HTML pages, a JSP page contains HTML tags.Read more>>
AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. AJAX makes browser looks like a desktop application, by allowing you to download the data from server behind the scenes.Read more>>
WebSocket protocol enable the two-way communication between client and server. In 2011, the IETF standardized the WebSocket protocol as RFC 6455. Since then,many browser started implementing and supporting web socket protocol.Read more>>
Web Service
Web service interoperability makes sure that, even applications are written in different languages, they can able to communicate each other using web services.Read more>>
Apache Camel
It is a Java library to design, implement and maintain Enterprise Integration Patterns. It is an integration framework that makes Enterprise integrations easier.Read more>>
Spring Framework
Spring and spring boot covered here.Read more>>
Spark Java
Spark java is a micro frame work, used to build web applications with minimal effort. It is a pure java alternative for developers, who want to develop web applications.Read more>>
Struts2 is a framework to build MVC(Model-View-Controller) web applications. Struts2 improves the Application development time.Read more>>
Other Third Party Libraries
Aspect Oriented Programming
Atom Publishing Protocol
Bean Validation
Byte Code Manipulation
Code Generators
Command line processing
Content Management Systems
Desktop User Interface Design
Graphs, Charts, network libraries
In Memory Databases
Machine Learning
Natural Language Processing
Property File Processing
PDF Processing
XLS Sheet Processing
Template Processing Engine

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